Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Introduction to Into the Wild

Sometime during our lives, most of us ask why we are here on this Earth.  Christopher McCandless may have asked a similar question when he was a young man: What am I doing with my life?  Whether he actually asked this question or not, it is unsure.  However, it is a fact that McCandless began a new life, which started when he donated all his money to charity, burned the cash in his wallet, abondoned his car and most of his possessions, and set out on a journey that ended in Alaska.  McCandless was a son of a well-to-do family, but that was in his old life; in his new life, he had no car, and had to hitchhike to Alaska.  When he arrived, he had surely entered into the wild.  He had to survive on roots and berries, and any game he could shoot for 112 days.  This diet was evidently not enough, for Christopher McCandless was found, dead, with starvation as the cause.  But although Christopher McCandless is no longer around, his story still lives, especially because of Jon Krakauer, who wrote Into the Wild, the story of Christopher McCandless.  You who are reading this blog are probably a student who always knows where your next meal is.  Come join me as I read Into the Wild, and post blogs on this site.  Come enter into the wild; that is, the wild that was created with words by Jon Krakauer, and the wild that Christopher McCandless actually experienced.

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